Monday, August 07, 2006

The Princess and the Puke

We have accidentally discovered the perfect rainy/100+ degree day activity: mattress shopping! Where else is it perfectly ok -- in fact, encouraged -- to flop around on multiple beds with your shoes on? We tested out more than 10 beds, and Muffin gleefully tested them with us.

She may have loved the mattress store, but I'm not sure the mattress store loved her. Just as the salesman was starting his pitch, Muffin let out a burp that shook the windows. If she knew her ABCs, she could have burped her way to at least K. The salesman paused for a moment, unsure of how to react, but then soldiered on with more mattress facts. I don't really remember a lot of what he was saying, as I was concentrating on not giggling.

Then, just as we were paying -- mere minutes from being out the door -- she let one rip again. But this time she burped up a little of her lunch, all down the front of her shirt.

I bet that salesguy is very grateful a mattress is a once-every-10-years kind of purchase.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing!!!

Camilla burps quite loudly too. I keep telling her 'fine ladies' don't do that but obviously she has her own mind;-P Obviously, I am too old-fashioned for her generation

3:35 AM  

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